
Blake Rizzo is a Seattle-based filmmaker, writer, director, and visual effects person who loves bringing dreams from idea to execution.

He got his start with backyard stop motion films in the 4th grade and eventually developed a fascination with utilizing computer-generated imagery to expand the limitations of the stories he could create. From an interplanetary stargazer realizing her significance through the discovery of NASA’s golden interstellar mixtape (LUX,2020), to an Air Traffic Controller that must overcome a fear of miscommunication to guide in a damaged UFO (ATC, E.T.A. 2022). 

Blake utilizes a hybrid of technology and heartfelt storytelling to bring characters to life in emotionally vibrant and expansive worlds. During his time at the University of Washington, he also founded an active student film production community that has fostered filmmaking to a membership base of over 400+ members local and abroad. 

Check out https://www.luxfilmproductions.com/ for more club related work.


“Lux Collaborative brings film to UW” http://www.dailyuw.com/news/article_e37c0378-df6c-11e5-80c1-d75b45f3a2d1.html

“Short film ‘LUX’ steals the stage at the UW Student Film Festival” http://www.dailyuw.com/arts_and_leisure/article_2c9825ee-8598-11e9-b954-ab560c2a0eee.html

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