Meet People,

Make Films

An active Seattle student filmmaking community at the University of Washington. Est. 2016

In LUX, students have opportunities to take part in student-led film productions, whether that be as directors, producers, writers, camera operators, production assistants, cinematographers, and gain hands-on experience with other student creatives. Video by Lily Jiang!

LUX: Film Production Club at the University of Washington

Role: President and Creator


Where at? Gowen Hall 201, Every Wednesday @ 6PM

At the start of my freshman year at the University of Washington I started a Film Production club titled LUX. The club was named after the short film I was writing at the time which eventually became our first big summer project.


Meet People, Make Films

The club produces on average four productions per quarter and has made over 50+ short films with a membership base of over 300 members.

Photo by Jennifer Tran

About LUX

The core idea of the club is meeting people and making films. Filmmaking is a team sport and involves a lot of people. The idea was to create a community of people to make films with!

Screen Shot 2019-10-07 at 2.45.04 PM.png

Quarterly Productions

Each quarter the club would produce short films in 10 week long productions. They would be screened at the end of the quarter! At the end of the year there would be a grand showcase where we rent out a theatre!

Photo from “The Illusion of Life” a production I wrote/directed.



Every week we would meet to discuss various aspects of film production, perform demo’s, and bring in experienced guest speakers.

Photo by Andrew Chan of our first club meeting.



More than anything, LUX is a place to make friends with your fellow husky filmmakers.

Photo by Cheryl Lee